A noted earlier, all database system have the concept of a NULL value; Something which is missing and nothing is known about it.
In DB Browser we can choose how we want NULLs in a table to be displayed.
When we had our initial look at DB Browser, we used the View | Preference option to change the background colour of cells in a table which has a NULL values as red.
The example below is a version of the SN7577 table with most of the columns removed and some NULL values introduced in the numage column.
image 1
If you type =NULL in the filter box for numage, only the rows with NULL in numage will be displayed.
You can get the same results using the following query:
SELECT * from
WHERE numage is NULL;
This table was created from a csv file which looks like this
The line numbers on the left are from the text editor and are not part of the data.
You can see that in lines 4, 9 and 15 there are consequetive , ,s where the numage values should be. These values are missing from the data.
Other representations of missing data
The SN7577_nulls table was specially created to demonstrate how NULLs appear in DB Browser.
The proper SN7577 table does not contain any missing values in the sense of having consequetive ,,s.
This is because the SN7577 data is provided by the UKDS (UK Data Service) whose role in part is to clean datasets before making them publicly available.
However the data provided to them, could well have missing data.
In the case of the SN7577 dataset this is typically dealt with by substituting the missing value with a value of -1.
This is explained in the provided data dictionary for the SN7577 dataset.
An extract for Q2 is shown below.
You can see from the extract of the SN7577_nulls file above that there are several -1 values in the Q2 field indicating the original data had no value, therefore interpreted as a NULL value for specific rows in Q2.
This is very different from rows which have a value of 11 for column Q2 (3rd row from bottom).
The value 11 means that the participant refused to provide an answer.
The refusal may not tell you which party they are inclined to vote for, but it does convey some kind of information.
A NULL value tells you nothing.
Different statistical packages like SPSS or Stata have their own way of representing NULL values such as -99 or -999.
You need to be aware of how NULL values in your dataset are being represented.
Dealing with missing data
Once you know how NULL values are being represented in your data you can find them and allow for them in your SQL queries.
FROM SN7577_nulls
WHERE Q2 = 11;
returns 39 rows
FROM SN7577_nulls
WHERE Q2 = -1;
returns 898 rows, nearly 70% of the sample.
You would have to decide if the reaming 30% was sufficient for you to use in meaningful analysis.
If you need to test for actual NULL values in the data, you use the IS operator and the NULL keyword
FROM SN7577_nulls
If you wish to omit rows with NULLs then include the NOT operator.
FROM SN7577_nulls