Understand what other join types can tell you about your data
About table joins
In any relational database system, the ability to join tables together is a key querying requirement.
Joins are used to combine the rows from two (or more) tables together to form a single table.
A join between tables will only be possible if they have at least one column in common.
The column doesn’t have to have the same name in each table, and quite often they won’t, but they do have to have a common usage.
For example the Question1 table has been created from the information about Q1 in the SN7577 data dictionary file.
There are only two columns The value column indicates a respondents voting intentions and the key column has the value which is used to represent this intention in the SN7577 table.
You can see immediately from this that there is a connection or relationship between the the two tables.
The key column in the Question1 table has been defined as a primary key.
This guarantees that the key column has a unique set of values.
Although not required, it is generally the case that the values in one of the columns that the tables have in common will have unique values in it.
It is also not required but generally the case that the unique column will be a primary key in one of the tables.
In the SN7577 table, the values in the Q1 column are the key values in the Q1 table.
You would not expect these to be unique, many respondents may have the same voting intentions.
If we wanted to find out the voting intentions of all of the respondents we could write a simple aggregation query like this:
count(*) as how_many
What we would really like would be to have the text values of the voting intentions to make the results more readable.
We can achieve this by joining the Question1 table with the SN7577 table.
Table names like column names can be given an alias.
This is almost always done when joining tables.
There are two reasons for doing this.
In the select clause you can make it clear from which table each of the selected columns comes from by prefixing the column name with the table alias followed by a period. You could use the full table name but by selecting short, single letter alias’ you can save a lot of typing.
The column names that you wish to join on may have the same name and so you need some way of distinguishing between them.
Using simple alias’ for the tables our join SQL looks like this:
SELECT q.value,
count(*) as how_many
FROM SN7577 s
JOIN Question1 q
ON q.key = s.Q1
Here we have selected the value column from the Question1 table as this has the text value that we want.
The aggregation remains the same.
The JOIN clause names the second table and the ON clause gives the criteria by which the tables are to be joined.
The results obtained are:
The results are the same as before except that the the text of the value column from the Questions1 table has replaced the numeric value from the Q1 column in the SN7577 table.
Notice that the the GROUP BY column does not appear in the SELECT clause.
SELECT q.value,
count(*) as how_many
FROM SN7577 s
JOIN Question1 q
ON q.key = s.Q1
Change the SQL so that the group by clause is the value column from the Question1 table. Run the query. How are the results different?
Can you change the SQL so that table alias’ are not used? Does this aid readability or not?
You only have to substitute q.value for s.Q1 in the GROUP BY clause. Essentially the same results are returned but now they are in alphabetical order of the Quustion1 value column text.
Because there are no conflicts in the column names between the two tables you could write the query without using alias’ for the tables. Including the alias’ adds clarity and readability to the SQL, especially if you are selecting several columns from each of the tables.
Different join types
The example of a join given above is called an INNER join, ** we could have written INNER JOIN rathere than simply **JOIN. * This is almost never done in practice as the inner join is by far the most common join type used.
Other Join types are available…
Before we look at the other join types we need to explain how the Inner join works and why it is so commonly used.
To illustrate this for all joins we are defining a relationship between two tables based on the data values in two columns, one from each table.
What that relationship is, is given by the criteria in the ON clause.
The value of the column in one table must be same as that in the other table.
The table specified in the FROM clause is usally the table with the unique keys and we want to join it with the table in the JOIN clause which has a column which contain the key values, but aren’t necessarily unique.
Quite often they are not expected to be unique. They are expected to exist though.
When a relational database is defined and the tables set up initially the relationship between the tables are already known, they are part of the design of the overall database.
Because of this it is possible to ensure when the data is added to the tables that there will be entries in both tables which have matching values.
At the very least you can prevent rows being added to the second table with a value in the column you intend to join on for which there is no matching column in the first table.
An inner join only returns rows where there is a match between the two columns.
In most cases this will be all of the columns selected from the first table and 0,1 or more columns selected from the second table.
The relational design makes use of multiple tables as a way of avoiding repetition of data.
Joining tables re-introduces the replication of the data
There are severeal different join types possible
In SQLite only the Inner join, the Left Outer join and the Cross join are supported. * You can create a Right outer join by swapping the tables in the From and Join clauses. * A Full outer join is the combination of the Left outer and Right outer joins.
Using different join types in analysing your data
In many cases the data you have in your tables may have come from disperate sources, in that they do not form part of a planned relational database.
It has been your decision to bring together (join) the data in the tables.
In order to do this at all you must be confident that the tables of data do have columns which have a common set of values that you can join on.
Assuming you do have a common column to join on, you can use an Inner join to combine the data.
However it will also be important for you to establish rows in both of the tables for which there is no matching row in the other table.
You may expect some to be missing
You may not care that some are missing
You may need to explain why some are missing
To do this you will want to use a Full outer join or in the case of SQLite a Left outer join run twice using both tables in the From and Join clauses.
To illustrate the different join types we will use two small example tables
* These tables have been included in the SN7577 database
In the two Outer queries DBBrowser shows the NULL values as red cells.
Modify the first Left Outer Join query above so that only the joined rows where there is no match in the Animals_Eat table are returned.
SELECT a.*, e.*
FROM Animals as a
LEFT OUTER JOIN Animals_Eat as e
on a.ID_A = e.ID_E
Modify the second Left Outer Join query above so that only the the Id_E column from the Animals_Eat table is returned where there is no matching row in the Animal table.
SELECT a.*, e.*
FROM Animals_Eat as a
LEFT OUTER JOIN Animals as a
on a.ID_A = e.ID_E
SELECT a.* , e.*
FROM Animals as a
Left outer Join Animals_Eat as e
on a.Id_A = e.Id_E
where e.Id_e is NULL;
FROM Animals_Eat
Left outer Join Animals
ON Id_A = Id_E
ORDER by Id_E;
Because there is no conflict in the column names across the two tables, we have chosen not to use alias’. Notice that the Id_A column which we are checking for NULL doesn’t have to be a returned column.
key points
Joins are used to combine data from two or more tables.
Tables to be joined must have a column in each which represent the same thing
There are several different types of joins
The Inner join is the most commonly use
You may have to use the other join types to discover missing data or gaps in your data